Hey everyone, we wanted to make a quick post and give some insight into making the most of your time. I know were all really busy, and there ar tons of things we wish we could have got done in the day. Honestly were not the greatest multitaskers here at Manthangreaternoida but we have couple ways of improving how much we get done in the day.
First off we always make sure to get an early start, I know you have heard this many times before and it doesn’t seem like valuable information. But if you haven’t applied this age old concept of getting up early then you don’t get why people keep telling you to do it. Look, we don’t want to be your mom, but honestly if you set that alarm clock to go off before 7am then you will start to notice big changes in your day. First off you’ll feel accomplished that you actually got yourself out of bed. Two many studies have found you actually have better attention in the morning. And three your physical body will work better if it rises with the sun (it was meant to do so).
So now your up, what next? Start off with some H2O and plenty of it. By drinking water in the early morning it will help cleanse your internal organs, and hydrate you before you start your day. It also contributes to giving you natural energy, so drink up.
By beginning your day with a brisk sit you allow yourself to calm your mind and body before it gets started on the days activities. Calming your nervous systems and your mind will allow you to act consciously and not strictly from impulse. By closing your eyes and clearing your mind you will relieve stress and increase your happiness. Though this takes a while to form a long term habit, you will tank yourself greatly when you establish it.
After you properly hydrate and take a short sit, it is a good idea to read. This will sharpen your mind for the days activities and allow you to gain information on an interested subject to get the day started. We wouldn’t recommend starting the day off with Harry Potter or any other fictional books because they may take you off course if you get too immersed in the story. Not that we don’t recommend reading fictional books, but there is a time and a place.
Exercise can be a great way to start off the day. It gets your blood flowing and gets you engaged in the days activities. WE WOULD STRONGLY RECOMMEND LISTENING TO AN AUDIO BOOK WHILE EXERCISING. By listening to an audio book during your exercise you are doing exactly what this blog is about MAXIMIZING YOUR TIME! If you don’t have a particular book that you want to listen to, then check out our favorite one.
The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure by Cardone, Grant (Unabridged Edition) [AudioCD(2011)]
Eat Well
There is no time to eat like a slob. The days of grabbing a quick bite at burger king are over. I know you think you might be maximizing time by eating fast food, but in reality your losing time. Your taking away from your health and probably taking time off your life. Not to mention that junk slows you down through the day.
After you get yourself to a great start make sure you finish strong and get yourself to bed at a reasonable time. Getting yourself 8 hours of sleep, will make tomorrow that much easier – your future self will thank you.
If you want to get 10x out of your day, start it off right, and get your mind focused on the right things. Cut out the television and fill any voids with uplifting motivational books (audio books are great).